Published Articles

Buying Fabric Wallpaper

Are you interested in adding an extra bit of flair to one or more rooms in your house? There are many different types of wallcoverings available, but fabric wallpaper is among the most luxuriant. Needless to say, fabrics are far from the most popular choice of wallcovering material, and for a...

Tips for Selecting Lip Piercing Jewelry

Lip piercings can be sensitive initially and that means using quality jewelry is a must. While lesser metal designs might fly for ears and other pieces of jewelry that are frequently removed, it's important to insist on quality metals like 14K gold for lip piercing jewelry, especially in the...

If You Know What A Nub Is, Can You Smoke It?

The question really cuts to the heart of the matter; or gets to its nub – a statement that isn’t all that helpful when you hear the word used about Nub Cigars. Nub is a word that we can all recollect hearing; but, I suspect that few of us could quote its dictionary meaning. On the one hand, to get...

Planning Your Most Special Day with Nevis Weddings

Every little girl has a dream of one day having the most beautiful wedding imaginable. They want to feel like Cinderella, Snow White and a fairy princess all rolled into one. Fortunately, when you grow up, you can have that dream wedding you always wanted. By choosing one of the beautiful Nevis...