When the general public thinks about cigars, most think about large stogies. Some might even visualize a big cigar that protrudes massively out of the mouth of a fat-cat businessman in a black-and-white movie, or the cigars Winston Churchill was famous for generations ago. However, for many people, filtered little cigars are a preferred substitute for larger cigars for several reasons.
Filtered little cigars offer smokers that prefer unique flavors a chance to try things that are new and different. In addition to traditional tobacco flavor, filtered little cigars come in a wide variety of flavors. It is common to find filtered little cigars in an online marketplace, smoke shop or convenience store in fun fruit flavors that cut the harshness some people find when smoking.
Among the most popular flavors of filtered little cigars are fruit flavors like strawberry, kiwi, grape and pineapple. Of course, you can also find chocolate or coffee for a more sophisticated, yet still great-tasting option. And that is the main reason people prefer filtered little cigars, particularly those that are new to smoking. They offer more advanced and enjoyable flavors than cigarettes because they meet the standards of cigars.
Though filtered little cigars look like cigarettes to some, there are actually several differences. The first noticed is the type of tobacco that is used. Filtered little cigars, like their larger cousins, consist of tobacco that has been fermented or air-cured, and are mainly alkaline. Little cigars are also wrapped in a tobacco leaf, at least 2/3 by weight, unlike cigarettes that are wrapped in paper. Conversely, cigarettes are made of several types of tobacco, while little cigars stick to higher standards.
There are many names associated with little cigars, including cigarillo and blunt, but they are very similar. Additionally, they are sold in smaller amounts, often in packs of five or fewer. This is an advantage for those who would rather enjoy a small sampling of cigars over a longer period of time than committing to a full pack of cigarettes, which comes in packages of 20 or more.
Finally, filtered little cigars are very flexible. They offer customers an opportunity to sample several different options before finding the ones that they like the most. They can then invest more into their favorites. On the other hand, they also allow smokers to change it up if flavors become monotonous.