There are many choices to be made when it comes to smoking cigars. Traditionally our forefathers smoked big stogies. Since then the world of cigars has changed to encompass all types of different shapes and sizes. Cigars have been modified and given different names to classify them in new categories of varying sizes, shapes, lengths, and widths. They are known as cigarillos, little cigars, blunts, and premium cigars. Each type of cigar overlaps with similarities that make them fall into some of the same categories. Which type should you smoke, that is the question, cigars or cigarillos?
What Is the Difference between Cigars and Cigarillos?
Cigarillos are short and small and quite popular with Europeans. In America, cigarillos are still growing in popularity. That is not to say that they are not popular, but rather they are fast becoming a favorite with cigar aficionados that want a faster smoke. Cigars can take up to an hour to smoke and delegate that you enjoy them in all of their full bodied fervor. Of course you could always distinguish it and light it again later, but that is almost taboo in the cigar smoking world. Cigarillos are three inches and give a quick smoke that delivers a rich and robust aroma and flavor. If you are accustom to rolled cigars then a cigarillo might take some getting used to since they are machine rolled. However, this does not mean the flavor has been sacrificed. They are more than worth a try and are usually more affordable than a full-sized cigar.
Smoke both Cigars and Cigarillos
Cigars may seem like they are too large and take too long to smoke, but there is something to be said about the process of relaxing and enjoying that first aromatic puff. Roll the smoke around in your mouth and savor it before expelling it into the air. The flavor should fill your senses and awaken them in ways you may find unimaginable and more than satisfactory. The same goes for cigarillos. They are a smaller smoke that can satisfy without losing the rich aromatic flavor that cigars boast. You can keep both in a humidor to preserve their quality. Cigarillos are meant to be smoked just like cigars; they are not to be inhaled. It is the equivalent of smoking less, but with a high quality of tobacco. In some cases a cigarillo may be the perfect choice simply because it is not a cigar, and can be smoked much quicker.
Cheap Little Cigars offers a fine selection of cigars and cigarillos. Browse their distinct selection of affordable tobacco products and continue to enjoy your favorites when you place an order today.